Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Anti Pseudo Paranormal Pasteboard Puzzle Update

Yesterday I was all getting prepared to shoot a web video of tearing my linked card out of a standard Bicycle US Playing Card, with a bonus twist in the end, having practiced and everything-- but never got it together to get the webcam on my computer so it didn't happen.

As it turns out at least one other person (and probably more) have been doing this with a playing card elsewhere.

As anyone who has been following my blog knows, I have had my radar on for someone who has previously done what I have been doing, specifically with a bicycle or equivalent casino quality US playing card, by tearing it into a pair of linked rings.
And today I received a You Tube link from Tomas in Sweden, who says "The very first person I saw do this with a playing card was Axel Adlercreutz about ten years ago. Before that he used the principle to make linked rings of capsicum."
I asked Tomas if he could get any pics for me or video of a performance. Tomas got Axel to film the following demo of tearing the playing card rings:

When Tomas asked Axel to film this, Tomas said that Axel said "What's the big deal? You can do this a million different ways."

That may be so, but I can do it with a standard US playing card.

The video I intended to record yesterday, had I not been so within my " blog slob" standards,
would have looked very similar to Axel,s, so I'm like, why bother you know? It's been done, etc.

Well, I still might do my version with a standard Bicycle card and the bonus kicker on the end if I ever get around to setting that webcam up....
Well loyal reader, congratulations if you have made it this far.

Here, for the first time, after much ado and many requests, here are some photos of one version my linked card:

This first release I have entitled "L is for Link"-- it is my simplest and most efficient linked card design.

It can be reassembled into its original configuration, and taken apart to form the pair of linked units but the links cannot be taken apart with out ripping or cutting one of the links. I anticipate some readers doubt the validity of the linked rings below, but they really cannot be separated without tearing one of the two pieces of linked cards.


I am sure some may scorn these photos blasphemous, or perhaps objects of admiration or inspiration. While for others it may be simplistic or obvious.
I see a lot of potential for effects here.
In other words, there is a million ways this could be used......mmmmm.....
So now if I can just get that webcam set up......................................

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Impossible Objects and playing Card Kirigami

Wow, I am so glad I started this blog. Since my last post, a had a fellow direct me to a website for Ian Rowland of UK, who has developed specialty area in cutting and folding playing cards into seemingly impossible configurations.

He calls his cards WOW cards and he has them categorized as either ReFlexions or Flinks.

Here is a link to his Wow card introduction page:

It would appear from his website, that, with my linked card, I have done something even Ian Rowland: The Mindreader, The Mind Motivator, (+ refigerator magnet) has said is not possible. As I said he has these two catregories,

ReFlexions and Flinks*.

*This is my own crude summary. I say this because, while I have made a sincere effort to convey this information without plagiarizing, etc. Ian Rowland e-mailed me back after I asked him for feedback on my blog. He commented that "There are bits that you seem to have copied or summarised inaccurately, but I don't have a problem with it"

The "ReFlexion" cards by definition must be made by only cutting and folding, but NO reattaching cuts with adhesives or rejoining in anyway. By that definition, it sounds like my linked card would definitely fall in with that category.

By definition Ian Rowland says that his "Flinks", are different because they only appear to be produced in an organic way, that is to say with no rejoining or reattaching of any cut or torn parts, they are really only linked because there was some kind of "cheat" or rule broken to make it, some kind of rejoining or reattaching. At least I think that is what Ian Rowland is saying. My cards would not be "Flinks" because they are in actuality linked only by cutting and tearing the card with no reattaching and so obey all the rules concerning Rowland's ReFlexion cards.

OK, I here you chuckling with that edit on the rss feed!

So I was curious what Ian Rowland would think my linked card should be categorized as. Before seeing the actual object, in trying to solve the problem of the linked playing card, one may wander into thinking about the possibility of it being some type of PPO.

A PPO is what Ian Rowland refers to as a "Permanent Paranormal Object". Ian Rowland owns several examples of these including some impossibly linked rings from aluminum foil:

and a couple linked rolls of tape:

Rowland says although these objects appear to be possible PPO's, and he has no idea how they were made, he believes they are made by normal and natural means, albeit very clever, and that there are in reality no true physical PPO's, or paranormal objects. In layperson terms, one would say the object was not created "by magic".

So I can say that my linked card is NOT a PPO, because I make it by completely natural means
and when examined in the hand it is easy to understand how it was accompished in principle.
Construction of my linked card obeys all the rules for Rowland's ReFlexion cards.

As I have said I believe my linked card has great potential for magicians, puzzle people, close-up artists, origami and kirigami lovers, or anybody who is interested in doing weird things with playing cards.

Thank You Nir for this! This is just the type of info I have been looking for!

I will be interested to find out if Ian Rowland knows about anything that precedes my linked card........

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How to Promote a Pasteboard Puzzle

I've been into puzzles and magic ever since I can remember.

Typically when I see or come across a "new" (at least new to me) puzzle or magic effect
I will attempt to create try to come up with my own method of completing the challenge or otherwise accomplishing the same feat.

Be careful to note here, my goal is not to figure out how the trick was actually done (although very often all paths seem to lead there), but to figure out how I can do it.
This is important, for there have been quite a few times that I have come across an effect, figured out a method that works for me, and realize that my way of tackling the "problem" is either different, or contains things that work to accomplish the same thing in an easier (for me) way or may in some improve upon or enhance the original method (in my opinion).

I have several single or two card effects that I know and like to do, so any new (to me) business card effect that is for the most part impromptu without gimmicks or gaffs will usually get my interest.

Joshua Quinn is a new (to me) name to me in magic. He has several marketed commercial effects now and even has his own featured section on the Penguin site. I saw an ad for an instructional manual by Joshua Quinn which teaches a way to rip one business card into a pair of permanently linked rings. Joshua Quinn has made his technique available for sale in a 48 page manuscript. I read several reviews of it and interviews with Joshua about it. I didn't buy the manuscript so I don't know how he does it or the method he teaches. It did get my wheels turning though. So I came up with my own method of doing it which works great for me, and I can only guess that our methods are probably similar at least in principle. All respect to Joshua Quinn for the breakthrough in creating the linking rings from a business card (if someone knows of anything that predates it please PM me or leave a comment).

One thing, however, stuck in my mind about something Joshua Quinn said about his method. When asked specifically if he could do the same thing with a single playing card, he said you couldn't do it with a playing card.

Linking playing cards is not a new thing. I consider Paul Harris, one foremost proponents of linking card routines and effects. I even have some old video of Paul Harris' doing some very clever linking card routines, and the video is definitely old from disco times or something. Even with his linking card experience, Paul Harris has been quoted as saying that what Joshua Quinn accomplished with his linked business card is something he previously thought was impossible.

So I thought it would be cool to see for myself if I couldn't cut a pair of linked rings from a single card.

As it turns out I COULD and I DID.

Over the past couple days I have created technique to easily cut and tear one U.S. Air Cushion Finish Bicycle playing card (and other playing cards as well) into a pair permanently linked pieces of card, and then can be reassembled back into the original playing card configuration. I can produce them easily and consistently now.

My method makes creating this linking playing card not only possible but a reality. My specific technique overcomes obstacles that previously made the "experts" think it was impossible or at least an EXTREMELY IMPRACTICAL task.

I am not sure where exactly I want to go with this. It is definitely something that I believe is unique in its own right, and I do wish to share this with the magic and puzzling community.

Tell me what you think.

Magic Blog Ethics

As I mentioned earlier this page marks the beginning of my magic blog.
I hope it will prove to be of interest to performing magicians and magical creators alike.

My intent with this magic blog is not to disclose or otherwise expose trade or patent secrets
of the magical arts. I will, however, discuss various effects and refer to developments in
the art. In order to do this, I will on occasion drop names of performers and creators of effects, so that the keen and attentive aspiring magician can glean what they need to figure out how to find what they are looking for elsewhere. Any less worthy individuals, (people who just want to know how things are done), would most likely give up before they start, and would probably find this blog boring anyway.

If you are into magic, please by all means, feel free to register and be a "follower" on my blog or put me in your favorites and check back occasionally.